The directors of Locktel Academy Ltd recognise and accept our responsibilities and obligations for the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees, clients and members of the public, who may encounter the company’s services, along with the duties to comply with current legislation relating to Health and Safety at Work.
The Health & Safety Management System, as an essential part of the business, aims to prevent, during the work or duties being undertaken, any accidental occurrence which may directly or indirectly result in:
- Injury or occupation ill-health to any person
- Damage to or loss of any plant, equipment or property
- Adverse impact upon the environment
Locktel Academy Ltd aims to provide and maintain and continually improve the Safety, Health and Welfare of its employees those who may encounter its operations by:
- Consulting with our employees on matters which may affect their health and safety
- Providing suitable and sufficient risk assessments and control measures for hazards identified in the operations carried out by the company, and to provide all relevant information in a clear and concise form
- Ensuring or providing sufficient welfare facilities for all staff
- Providing and maintaining plan and equipment in a safe and effective condition
- Ensuring all staff are competent to carry out the tasks they are assigned, and use the specified equipment for those tasks
- Providing suitable and sufficient training, instruction, information and supervision for the tasks being performed
- Ensuring that subcontractors are adequately briefed and are competent to carry out the duties and tasks for which they are engaged
- Preventing workplace accidents and illness and monitoring working conditions to ensure safety
- Ensuring that substances are handled and used in a safe manner
- Providing suitable and sufficient Personal Protective Equipment for the tasks required
- Ensuring that staff are aware of their duties and responsibilities to take reasonable care of their own and others health and safety when carrying out their work tasks and duties
- Striving to continuously improve systems and methodologies to reduce eliminate hazards and reduce risk of the operations and activities
- Regularly reviewing, and where required revising Health and Safety Policies and procedures with professional assistance where required
This policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and subcontractors and is made available to interested parties