Locktel Academy Ltd. will conduct our business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Our approach to environmental management is consistent with the spirit and intent of our corporate objectives and cultural values. We recognise that we have a major responsibility for protecting the environment of our employees, our customers and the communities in which we operate.”
We recognise that excellence in environmental performance and legislative compliance is consistent with our corporate objectives and essential to our continued business success and we will ensure that, environmental policies, programmed and performance standards are an integral part of our planning and decision-making process.
Sound environmental management will be an integral part of our total quality commitment, and the principles and practices of continuous improvement will be applied. We will be open and responsive to the environmental expectations and concerns of our employees, customers, government agencies and the public.
Locktel Academy Ltd. Will endeavor to design and construct all facilities to minimize waste generation, promote energy efficiency and environmental protection. We will design our products and services to minimize use of hazardous materials, make efficient use of energy and resources, and enable reuse and recycling.
Locktel Academy Ltd. will pursue a strategy that substantially reduces or eliminates the generation of chemical and solid waste. We will aggressively pursue appropriate solutions to contamination, prevention of pollution, on or resulting from our sites. Employees will be encouraged to be environmentally aware and feel responsible for the operation and business process.
Locktel Academy Ltd. will contribute to the shaping of public policy on sound business and scientific principles. Our suppliers support our environmental management policy, and we encourage them to adopt similar principles.